Saturday, June 21, 2014

6-16-14 A pretty uneventful week

Dear Famsauce,

It's been a pretty uneventful week in missionary work. I'm going to say that this was in part caused by the fact that we went to the temple Tuesday (4 hours of travel to get there, 1 hour being lost, 2 hours in the temple, 1 hour taking photos and buying things in the distribution center, 1 hour eating lunch and 4 hours traveling to return = we only had time for one visit in the evening!) It was a wonderful experience so I'm not complaining...and one of the things I look forward to about being home is being able to go to the temple whenever I want! The other part is because my companion and I both got sick this past weekend so we hadn't been able to proselyte all the normal hours. But we're both feeling better so things are looking up for this week.

But the great news is that our investigator Leslie showed up for the first time at church with her cousin who has been inactive for 8 years! It was really exciting for me because I hadn't really been expecting to see them at church, but when we got there, there they were in the the back of the chapel!

Other great news: I finished the Book of Mormon in English. This is officially the fastest I've ever read it (2 months) and it's not because I was rushing through it but rather because I was dedicating as many of my free moments as I could to reading it. I love this book. I love the Gospel. I think my biggest takeaway from this time around was that as we read about and study Christ, our desire to do his will increases and we can take more full advantage of the miraculous gift of His Atonement.

Remember that I love you all. I pray for you often and I hope that everything is going wonderfully in your lives. And if it isn't, remember that your Heavenly Father loves you. He has a plan for your life and he will not allow you to suffer more than you are able.

Hermana Romero

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